Understanding Space/Time Warp and the Illusion of Gravity

Having lived on one planet only all our lives, it is hard to grasp the understanding of Space/Time and the illusion that is gravity. Einstein tells us that we can’t think of space and time separately. To understand it you must think of space and time as space/time. That is a single eternity. He also said that gravity as we understand it, is an illusion. There is nothing but velocity. That is motion.

What sparked me into writing about this is the things I see on the internet regarding flying saucers. There are people who still think that the laws of physics, that is the laws of the universe can be broken, They see these machines doing seemingly impossible manurers and wrongly conclude that the laws of physics are being broken. Some even hypothesise how it is done. The thing is this. They are not seeing what they think they are seeing. The first think to understand is that the laws of the universe can never be broken. The very moment that one such law is broken then everything including us would cease to exist.

It is said that travel broadens the mind. Well, when the astronauts went to the moon they were the first people we know, to set foot on another world. When they came home, this experience changed them for ever. Let’s look at a space/time warp. We have all lived in one for all of our lives. You probably don’t even know all the properties of a space/time warp. Surely everyone has seen or heard of the silk sheet experiment that demonstrates how an object warps space. Well it is great for demonstration purposes, but one must remember that the universe we live in is 3d. Remember there isn’t a place on the earth where you might float off into space. So the warp is actually a bubble with earth at its centre.

Properties of a time/space warp. You will be aware of one obvious properties. That is what we call gravity. There are others. How about the illusion of being stationary. For example: We are at a restaurant, sitting down enjoying a meal with a friend. Our experience is that we are motionless. That is an illusion, fore we know that the earth is spinning on its axis. The earth is also spinning around the sun. Another property is constant time. That is: Time passes at a constant pace within the warp.

If you will, imagine this. In the restaurant story above, look at the tip my index finger. See in your minds eye the atom on the very tip of it. Around the nucleus the electrons are spinning. Now! What do you see? Perhaps you’ve noticed that it is actually a gyroscope in motion. It’s this motion that gives us our mass. All these little gyroscopes together are also the sauce of what we call gravity. So you see. The gravity is an illusive force which has its focus in the centre of the earth or any large body of matter. The driving force is in the matter itself. The velocity Einstein speaks of. This velocity is what causes mater to clump together. It is the clumping together that causes the illusion that is gravity.

Back to the atom on the tip of my finger. What is the path of one of the electrons through space? The answer is this. It is a spiral with in a spiral within a spiral. (Just keep going.) The reason why is that the electron is spinning around the nucleus of the atom. That atom is spinning around the earth, The earth is spinning around the sun, and so forth. It is this motion within matter that causes matter to clump together. It is this clumping together that causes the space/time warp and gives us the illusion that is gravity.

So what has all this to do with flying saucers? I have explained about warp technology in other posts. You should have a read through. It night prove interesting. What if you could move without moving? Well technically that’s how flying saucers work. Remember Einstein’s theory of relativity? Remember me talking about focus or gravitational focus? Well, the gravitational focus of the mass to the flying sauces is in the centre of its warp generator. Where as the gravitational focus of the mass of the observer is the centre of the earth. Put another way. The mass of the flying saucer considers itself stationery. So it isn’t braking any laws. Since mass is the reluctance of the body to have its state of motion changed. Its mass is focused on the warp generator not the centre of the earth. So in a nut shell its state of motion has not changed. Even though we see it doing what we perceive to be impossible things.

With warp, technically mass is your friend, not your foe. You can’t make a light flying saucer based on warp technically. The thing would simply shred itself to pieces. Nazi Haunebu II craft were said to be double armer plated. Having said that, there are different classes of armour plating. It is any bodies guess how thick the armour plating was. The very first Haunebu I shredded its self on the first test flight. After that they were made like a battle ship, very heavy. Space ships that are not from here are different from the Haunebu. The beings obviously are more versed in the manufacture of strong light materials than us. Their ships still leave big dints in the ground though. So these things are not all that light.

Saucer magnetixlThere are many people trying to build a flying saucer. From looking on You-Tube and the internet it appears that no one has succeeded. Some of the ideas are nothing more than a single gyroscope. A spinning top is just that. It will not fly. It just spins until it runs out of momentum. Then just falls over. Clearly something else is required. From the Haunebu literature it is clear that there are two contra rotating magnetic forces. The diagram shows the path of the magnetic forces with in the ship. Clearly, if your device dose not replicate this then it won’t fly. In the case of these machines flying is a mister meaner. They do not fly in the conventional meaning of the word. To fly you need wings. Nothing else will do. A helicopter has a rotating wing. Dirigibles just float on the air. The flying saucer dose something else. Mostly we say it levitate. I just wanted to get this out of the way.

Some think that the Nazi bell was used as an engine to power the Haunebu. This, I do not believe to be true. There was a device like it, that Nichole Tesla spoke of. Kind of like a differential gear in that it could spin two round plates in opposite directions. These plates were very close to one another. I believe it was some kind of a mechanical particle accelerator. The input shaft spun at something like 50,000 r/pm. This gave an approach speed at the two plates of 100,000 r/pm. The thing is that it was a mechanical device that some times went wrong. When they did, this thing could fly off in any direction. Apparently, in Germany in the 1920s and 30 they were seen flying through the air. It was just the pent up mechanical force that provided the momentum. Eventually gravity took hold and they fell back to earth.

Why speak of this? Well for two reasons. One is to do with the fact that I don’t believe the bell had anything to do with the Haunebu. The other is that it looks a lot like the way a Haunebu might work. My contention is that these craft used a large vessel filled with a magnetic fluid based on mercury. Above and below there were electro magnets that were used to spin this fluid in different directions. That is: the top half of the fluid was made to spin anti-clockwise and the bottom half was spun in the opposite direction. Control was achieved by pulsing the fluid in a certain direction. Then the fluid would tend to concentrate at a certain point in the vessel. Thus making the craft chute off in that direction. Unless I can build a Haunebu to test the idea then it is all conjecture.

Just remember you need more than one cyclone to fly. One is just a spinning top. Lots of fun to play with but it will never leave the ground.


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I am a retired train driver who has 49 years service with QRNational. When I first started there were still steam locomotives running. 1965 saw me qualified as a fireman. Yes. I did fire steam locos. Classification as driver came in 1975 and as a tutor driver in 1995. My retirement came in 2012.

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