What Happened When I Realised Flying Sarcers Were Real

Flying Saucers are Real.

One post on this blog contains information that it was my first sighting. This turned out to be untrue. Since all the hype about disclosure I started thinking about my own life and remembered another incident that happened when I was about 12 or so. I hadn’t thought about it for a very long time.

My father had a 28 foot motor launch. Every weekend would find the family on a two day fishing trip to Lilly’s Island. This is near the Q.A.L. Alumina Plant. The Plant didn’t exist then. Gladstone Harbour is the location. We usually went out early Saturday morning and came home Sunday afternoon.

This particular weekend, on Saturday night after dark we decided to move the boat to deeper water because the tide was going out. We intended to remain at the new anchorage over night.

It was my job to attend to the front anchor. The boat had a big hatch in the middle of the deck. It was left open to provide ventilation. While moving forward to pickup the anchor a bright light as bright as the sun came on. The only sounds were caused by us and the launch. The light was in the air behind and slightly starboard of the launch. From memory about 150 to 200 feet above the water.

Because of the hatch, I could not turn and look but I could see it out of the corner of my eye. It appeared to have a circular object behind from what I could see. My imeadiate thought was ” That’s a flying saucers. They are real.” I couldn’t take a better look because of what I was doing. We were approaching the bank. I was waiting for my dad to give me the word to through the anchor. So I had to concentrate on the job at hand. The saucer had to wait.

It didn’t. The whole scenario lasted only a few seconds. What was to follow was strange. When I came arft the mood was odd. Thinking they got a better look at the object than me, I ask ” Did you see that?”. Nobody answered. I could see that they were shocked. I asked again. Someone answered. I think it was my mother. ” Just a meteor”. I could tell by the voice, she didn’t believe what she was saying. They would talk no moor about it. So it was left at that.

Me! I was like “Year! I saw my first Flying saucer.” No one would talk about it ever again. For me it was grate but l put it behind me and forgot about it until recently. Well that was a lot to say about 5 minutes of my life.

This actually happened. Your belief is not required. In these posts I do relate my experiences unless otherwise stated.

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I am a retired train driver who has 49 years service with QRNational. When I first started there were still steam locomotives running. 1965 saw me qualified as a fireman. Yes. I did fire steam locos. Classification as driver came in 1975 and as a tutor driver in 1995. My retirement came in 2012.

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