I Don’t See Any Aliens

I Don’t See Any Aliens

Just look in the mirror. According to some people we are the aliens. Not an indigenous species of this planet. I was viewing a video on a You Tube channel called SecureTeam10. It pointed out that homosapiensapien may not be an earthling after all. Many things concerning our anatomy causes us health problems. Like back problems, sensitivity to the sun to name a few. I have problems with bright sunlight. My pupils dilate to the size of the full stop at the end of this sentence. May be I need a couple of those lenses that the grays use to protect their eyes.

Well all this reminded me of a crazy dream I once had. This dream was like actually being there. It was full colour with surround sound and smell a vision. Like I was there fully awake and able to experience the full sensation of what was happening. The time was 50 million years ago. I was on a star ship. The ship and its people were my responsibility. The problem was this. Our planet had been destroyed we had no home. To survive as a species we had to land on earth or just die in space. So I had to make the decision to make an emergency landing on earth. This was difficult for me for I knew that either way we all might die. The best option was deemed to be to try an emergency landing here. We have been here ever since.

Just a crazy dream right. What if it were true. What then. Suppose I was actually remembering something. In my life in this time I have trouble being the boss and having to make such decisions. I am more comfortable being secretary or second in command rather than the boss. So the dream says something about me. If we came here fully evolved then that would explain a lot that we have trouble with. Like all these ancient ruins that predate our recorded history. Also the archaeology that defies what some call rational explanation. It isn’t irrational if you open your mind.

Humans are extremely resourcefully. I recently view a You Tube video where this guy in the US used gravity to stand massive concrete blocks on his own. (https://www.utube.com/watch?v=E5pZ7uR6v8c) Just because it appears impossible doesn’t mean it can’t be done. If something exist on Earth or in the solar system we are the ones who probably put it there. Even the base said to be on the dark side of the moon was probably built by us in a previous civilization. Our history goes back much further than the great flood. There is evidence all over the world of these past civilizations. Much of it is hidden under the waters of our oceans. With resourceful people around we don’t need aliens to help us or do it for us. We can simply do it our selves.

If you doubt human resourcefulness you should go to the internet. The very things we are doing right now are mind boggling. You can see all sorts of machines that man has built. Many marvelous buildings, Tunnels under the sea and under the mountains are among the achievements of modern man. Even venturing into space is a marvel of the modern world.

No we don’t need aliens to help us. May be they have been there all the while helping where they can but most of it is us. ALL US. If you look at the Roswell incident, that provide a resource but it was diligent, hard working men and women that actually did the reverse engineering. So even though we had some help we had to do it our selves. Some times you just need a sign post to know which way to go.

So you don’t believe in human ability. You don’t think we were given a leg up. You still believe the Roswell incident was nothing more than a puff of smoke. Well poor you. You must run around with your eyes closed or perhaps your mind more like it. Go Google it. This is an enlightened age where the secrets of yesteryear have been made public for all to see via freedom of information act. It appears governments all over the world are getting into this. Things written down by the military or the establishment are not that easily dismissed.

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I am a retired train driver who has 49 years service with QRNational. When I first started there were still steam locomotives running. 1965 saw me qualified as a fireman. Yes. I did fire steam locos. Classification as driver came in 1975 and as a tutor driver in 1995. My retirement came in 2012.

2 thoughts on “I Don’t See Any Aliens”

  1. The earthlings quickly join the aliens’ adventurous mission to help defeat an evil alien criminal. After discovering the evil alien is disguised as a human – someone he knows all too well – Rod and Elspeth race to save the world from total planetary disaster.

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