No Flat Earth No Hollow Earth

No Flat Earth No Hollow Earth

It amazes me that people still believe in this, in this enlightened age. Despite what some conspiracy theorist say about these topics man has ventured forth to other bodies in our solar system. We have gone to the moon in person on NASA’s back and on probes to other places including Mars. We can look back to our home and see that it is in fact a ball. A beautiful living planet against the vastness of space.

Another argument is this. There is NASA footage taken on board the ISS that verifies how mater will clump together in space. The astronauts conducted a demonstration showing how things left floating around the cabin will clump together. Make them seperate again and they will come together again if left floating and not tied down.

This is how objects like planets moons and the like are formed. This is a 3D world not two dimensional. There are those who still claim that God created the earth only six thousand years ago and that it is flat. This flies in the face of all that is reasonable. It also fails to take into account actual biblical events like the grate floor.

The Summarians were said to be the first civilisation. That was six thousand years ago. Technically this is incorrect. It is probably the first one in our time. That is the time since the great flood. The great flood is said to be around nine to twelve thousand years ago. I can’t pull an accurate date out of my head. The thing is that after the great flood, there were just a few people left on Earth. Just the ones on the ark.

It only makes common sense that it would take several thousand years for the population to increase enough to warrant a city.

The biblical account has a civialization before the flood. It also says that there were giants in the land in those days. There is also an accounting of how many there were and that they all died in the flood. Every thing was washed away including the cities. David and Galiath was a very very long time ago. Adam and Eve is thought to be about sixty thousand years ago. So my question is “ How on earth will you fit all of the bibles’ accounts into just six thousand year?”.

Truely! Someone must be filling some peoples head with rocks. Yes! The disinformation experts are doing it again. You should never call yourself an expert. X is an undefined factor and a spert is a drip under pressure.

The hollow earth can’t exhist either for the same reasons the flat earth can’t exhist. Also, have you ever seen anybody walk on the roof of a cave? The ones who believe in a hollow earth will tell you that centrifugal force holds them to the roof of the cave. I gave not seen it. They conveniently forgot that those of us on the surface would be flung off. In fact the earth would fling itself to pieces. In truth our planet is just a loose conglomerate of matter held together by what we call gravity. Never mind that the center is molten from the tremendous pressure down there. Pressure gives heat. Heat melts rock. Newton’s laws cause and effect.

Now! Something about belief. You can spit in one hand and believe in the other. All you have at the end of the day is a hand full of spit. Your beliefs can not change that which exists only your perception of it. There are stranger things in heaven and on earth than you can possibly imagine. Check out the rest of my blog. It is highly probable that you won’t believe much of it. Remember, I have only relaid my experience in an unusual life. I don’t care weather you believe it or not. It actually happened. There is much I have yet to tell.