Mars Cannonball

Mars Cannon

     In an earlier post I wrote about a scenario that ran in my head after I listened to the broadcast on Coast to Coast AM about two massive nuclear blasts that occurred over Mars in the distant past. What has happened since needs attention. Every time I see a photo of Mars with that big slit (Mountain Range) right across its face, my mind goes back to this scenario I first wrote about. I see the moons of Mars (Phobos and Demos) as having come from the corners of the opening and that’s why they have such a strange orbit.

The two massive energy waves from the atomic blasts, meet at the mountain range. The planet opens up and a cannon ball of mainly molten magma and some surface matter shoots forth into space. The surface of the planet is only thin compared to the size of the planet after all. This cannon ball comes to Earth and passes right through Earth. On the way through, some matter is exchanged between the two bodies. This cannon ball becomes our moon. Well that’s one way to get a moon. No one knows how we got our moon. There are all sorts of theories brandished about.

Hey! Star Wars didn’t happen in a galaxy far far away after all. It happened right in our neighborhood. There are ample anomalies in our solar system to justify a real serious space war consideration and a space faring race that lived right here. There is one planet missing and Mars has been seriously diminished. Well that’s a turn up for the books. I suppose it’s no good repeating that this all happened inside my head. I was trying to visualize what would happen when those bombs went off after all. It is too fantastic for words. The way it keeps reoccurring. The exact same scenario. Maybe there is some truth it it after all. Who knows. Stranger things have happened.

I just wanted to share this little interlude with you all. I found it fascinating. What is also fascination is the structures on the moon and other planets too. Our history is definitely not what we think it is. May be it is all ours from another time and another civilization. Who knows?