Relative Gravitational Theory

A New Theory Explains The Workings of Gravity In The Greater Universe.

Revisiting and Revising – April 2022.

The reason for this is that I felt it was time to revise this theory. Many things were left unsaid in the original writing. First of all let me ask you to remove your rose coloured classes. This is after all a new way to looking at the way the universe works. If you continue to interpreate this in terms of your current paradigm, you will not understand what is being said. In the simplest terms, what is an atom? In the simplest of terms, it is a gyroscope. The secret to everything is the motion. Think of the golden equation. That of a spiral. Like water going down the plug hole. Everything is effected by this motion. Understand that because an atom is in fact a gyroscope then that is where the mass comes from. Ever try spinning a bicycle wheel and then holding it up by one side of the axle. It will appear to defy gravity but it will force your to move in a circle around it. Water goes in a clockwise direction for the southern hemisphere and anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere.

This is all very interesting but is does demonstrate the function of a gyroscope. We in fact use gyroscopes to gain stability in some of our machines. Right oh! The next thing you need to do is loose the silk sheet that is always used to demonstrate how gravity works. It is miss leading. Have you ever seen anyone or anything fall off the earth. Of coarse you haven’t. That is because gravity works in all directions about the earth. In reality a space-time warp is an actual bubble. A round bubble about the earth or any other large body in space. It is not a depression in a flat silk sheep. The fact that all large bodies in the universe have a space-time warp around them is the reason that dark matter is not required to explain the workings of the universe. Most of the gravity is busy holding things together. It doesn’t therefore become available for other bodies to tug on.

The next item that everybody gets wrong is Sir Issac Newton’s theory of mass. When I was in grade 9 and learning this, I twigged that people didn’t understand this. In my physics book it said that Newton was using weight to describe the force. The teacher and other students said that weight was used to describe the force so therefore mass equals weight. Well it doesn’t. Weight is what we all press down on the earth with. Mass is the reluctance of the body to have it’s state of motion changed. The two are different. These days we say that the force of mass when it is generated is equal to so many Gs. We need to stop equating mass with substance. The two are different. Now bare with me and I’ll show you how they are different.

The Way It Really Works

Well, if you still with me, you are keen to know what I have to say. For those who have left, well they will remain in their safe cocoon and learn nothing. Stuck in their ways until they are dragged kicking and screaming into the twenty-first century. It is known that the for going is completely off par with what is currently being taught. I developed this concept over almost the entirety of my live. Don’t freak out over what I am about to tell you about myself now. I have spent much of my live studying ufology, the cult and other mysteries. This was because I had an abduction experience when I was sixteen. It affected my live. It became necessary to understand what was going on. The stuff they don’t tell you. Trying to understand why flying saucers can do what they do without flying apart lead me to this understanding. This theory.

First of all I would like to explain why I am even writing this. What has happened is the fact that I thought everyone was aware of what has become a self-evident truth to me. You see I have been talking about this stuff in my posts believing that everyone knew what I was talking about. Then on Easter Monday this year (2016) I was looking at some things on MUFON. Then I watched a documentary on Einstein’s theory of reality. When I’d finished this it dawned on me. Nobody has a clue what I am talking about. That was a bit of a shock. So here I am trying to explain myself. Or at least the theory I see as self-evident.

For years I have been trying to work out how flying saucers could do those maneuvers people are reporting without doing a serious mischief to themselves. I know that the laws of the universe can never be broken. So something is misunderstood. Then there is the earth and the moon. Every 28 days they do a little do-see-do. How can the moon actually move the earth? Hay! They move each other. EEH! Then there is that strange thing where we think we are still while all the time we are moving. So what’s happening? The flying saucers appear to have no mass. If the moon can actually move the earth then the earth must have very little apparent mass. What’s going on here?

The only explanation is the theory I have worked out. So I call it Relative Gravitational Theory. Yes it has to do with relativity. Gravitational relativity. The only way to explain the missing mass. Large bodies such as earth have a space/time warp envelope around them. The mass of such a body is actually focused at the center of the body. To explain how this is so, I need to show how gravity actually works. I and others have said that gravity is an illusion. So now I must explain why.

Some of my thinking on this. First a little story. A true story that helps to explain some of my thinking. One day the family was traveling on the Bruce Highway to visit relatives. There was a car in front of ours. About one half mile ahead and traveling in the opposite direction was an on coming car. Suddenly the on coming car got sideways and encroached on our lane. A number of things appeared to happen all at the same time. At about the time I got my brakes on the driver ahead of me put his brakes on as well. I reckon that the on coming driver must have hit his brakes at the same time. What happened next is a bit beyond belief. The Dukes of Hazard had nothing on this driver. Hell! They need ramps to get air-borne. It was a flat straight road with a barrier on one side.

Well, the front left wheel of the on coming car dug in. Next thing the rear of that car lifted off the tarmac, spun around the only tyre remaining on the road. Then that car took off like a Cessna. Rear first, it went up at an angle of approximately 15 degrees straight up to about tree top height. It cleared that barrier by a good meter. Slowly, ever so slowly it started to curve back to earth. It was still pointing its rear up at the same angle. It crossed a water way and landed on the far bank of a creek in the scrub on all four wheels. Man that is flying. Any one who saw this, didn’t feel like driving afterwards.

Well, as I watches this action, one thing became apparent. There was only one force involved in all of this. That is velocity. It was just being refocused as the scenario played out. First from the normal driving direction. Then to the side slide maneuver. The next focus was what we call centrifugal force. Then the focus was launch velocity. Yes! Well not quite that fast but it took off. Eventually it was coached back to earth.

One problem we have in understanding gravity is, where does it come from? There is no black hole in the center of the earth. Otherwise earth would have been swallowed up a long time ago. So what’s with the tiny point in the center. The one everything falls towards? Well perhaps there is a simple solution. I watched a video taken inside the space station, where things left floating around the room will clump together. You can make them separate again but they will clump again. Consider this. If mater clumps this way then perhaps it is this clumping that causes the effect of gravity. Much like a rugby scrum. They push towards a single point. So gravity comes from matter itself. The mass is focused at the center like a rugby scrum. The velocity is in the molecules of mater itself. This is where the power of gravity comes from. Another analogy might be that of a choir. If people start singing together on the street corner, this may draw others to participate. The choir’s focus is the harmony. Where as the ruby player focus is on getting that ball.

To the warp: Because of the way matter is packing down, it also compresses space/time creating a space/time warp around large objects in space. It also encourages other matter to join it. The shape of this warp is as a bubble because the clumping is from all sides. Most celestial objects are round. Gravity works all over. You can’t fall off. Think of joining the ruby scrum by pushing with your own body weight.

Here is the gist of the theory. The strong forces of gravity hold a body like earth together. The mass is focused at the center. So it is busy holding things together. This is where relativity comes in. The weaker gravitational forces that bind the universe together don’t see the full mass of the objects it controls. To it the masses are almost zero. This is why the weaker forces can keep things where they belong. So relatively speaking most of the mass of the universe is invisible to the weak gravitational force.

Welcome to a new way of moving. That is moving without moving. Moving the old-fashioned way went something like this. You board a train at the start of the journey. The station clock has the time of your departure. As the train moves forward it occupies new space. When you get to your destination the station clock at that station has your arrival time. No surprise here. If you prefer Einstein’s light bus we could use that but it is essentially the same. What if I told you that you can take your space with you. That is occupy the same space as you move. Impossible! Not quite. If you create an artificial space/time warp around Einstein’s light bus, You can do just this. The gross mass of the bus would be focused at the hart of the warp envelope generator. At its center. What you do is move the warp field and the bus moves with it.

Mass is the reluctance of the body to have its state of motion changed. The relative focus of the mass that comprises the substance of the bus is at the center of the warp generator. Therefore the mass experiences no change in motion even though from our perspective we think it does. Moving without moving relatively speaking. Taking your own space with you. Well having your own artificial space/time warp is like living in your own universe. More or less. You can be influenced by outside forces but it is not the same as traveling with out it. Your gravity is always 1 g to the floor of the bus. Time passes at the same rate that it does on earth. What! I don’t need a space suit. Well you might if you want to go out side. The point I am trying to make is what I said earlier about having your own little universe. This is important.

With zero mass you could travel faster than light. The thing is that for the universe to work properly there can be no zero mass. A small handle exists that allows outside influence. This allows the weaker gravitational forces to be able to hold things into place more easily. So the Earth and the Moon do a little do-see-do every 28 days. No questions asked. So I am sitting at my computer typing this, believing all the time that I am stationery when I’m not. That is because the focus of my mass is constant, unless I get up and walk away. All the Newtonian laws will work inside the light bus as within all space/time warps, because of the outside influences on this small mass handle, I believe that there would be an upper limit to the speed though. With each increment in light speed the handle would get bigger. Eventually leading to a similar restriction that Einstein proposed for the speed of light. It would be much faster though.

That is the difference between having an artificial warp envelope and having none. It is also why flying saucers don’t fly apart. They have relatively little mass as can be observed.