Super Soldiers That Exist Now

Super Soldiers That Exist Now

Andromeda Machine.
Downloaded from Greyfalcon.

There could be up to a million super soldiers living on this planet right now and they don’t even know what they are. You think that’s a bold statement to make don’t you. Well let me explain. Lets go back to before I was born. It may go back even further but I am sticking to what I have learned from studding the UFO phenomenon for the whole to my life. It all starts out in Nazi Germany. Before the Nazis came to power. The Thule Society were playing around with trying to build a anti-gravity flying saucer since about 1928. In the beginning private funding was used. This eventually ran out. Then Adolf Hitler came to power. To start a war may have been a plan to get further funding for the project. Of course Hitler had other grand plans. He wouldn’t have taken much persuading to invade Poland.
Any way the project came under the wings of the SS. Hitler wanted a super weapon that could win him the war. Can you imagine trying to defend against a squadron of flying saucers. Any way the war ended before the prototypes could prove themselves. The allies wondered where Hitler got all the technology from. Remember there was not just the flying saucers. Hitler had the first ICBMs. There was a lot of other technology that was kept secret from the masses. Project Paper Clip was not just happening in the US. Other countries took their fair share of the spoils of war. So Nazi scientists went to varies countries including the Russia.
A couple of years after the Nazi scientists settled in America the Arnold case happened. You see it wasn’t aliens that abducted the Arnolds. By that time a working model of the Nazi flying saucer was operational. The secret under ground government used it to harass people in the US and eventually in the rest of the world. By the early fifty’s they had built a working mother ship, an Andromeda Device. Two football fields long. It was very huge and capable of inter stellar travel. Now comes Star Fleet (for the want of a better word.). Can any one apply for a job in Star Fleet? No. You have to born to it. Put quite simply. The individuals involved in this fleet were breed for the purpose. Genetically designed for the specific task they will perform when enlisted.
In a word, Super-Soldiers. The so called gray aliens have been messing with our genetic structure since Adam and Eve. The under government uses these beings to create super soldiers. This is the purpose of a lot of the abductions. Prospective parents are abducted. Sperm and eggs are taken. In a laboratory an egg is fertilized. Then genetic manipulation takes place. Another abductions to do artificial insemination then subsequent abductions to keep an eye on the development of the child. Children will also receive training during child hood. The mother is usually told the the baby is special and that she should look after it well.
At about 16 years of age the recruit enters a 20 year service with Star Fleet. After which at the age of 36 the person is age regressed to 16. Taken back in time, had the memory blanked, safety switches applied to the brain to stop any super powers and then put back fifteen minutes after being taken. Nobody is the wiser. A perfect solution. No one remembers what has happened to them. No one reveals any secrets. If you read all the abductions reports, most people have been blanked. Or can’t remember much. You can’t hide from them. They will find you any ware on this Earth. This is why I said at the beginning that people who have been there can’t remember. They are super soldiers and don’t know it. If you take the 20 year service scenario then the whole force of people employed in Star Fleet has been change out 3 times. Since I don’t know how big the fleet is I can’t be sure of numbers. I allowed a third of a million for each 20 years.
It is not just Americans in this force. They recruit from all over the world. It is the genes they are interested in. if you know what you are starting with, it is easier to do the manipulation. You simply start with the closest match and go from there. We are living in a zoo. The greys are the zoo keepers. If you have found out what is going on in the lower layers at Dulce, it is easy to come to the conclusion that these greys are cloners to the universe for super-soldiers.
You may wonder what thinking lead to these conclusions. Well I have been studying the UFO phenomenon for most of my life. Much of the abductee literature points to this scenario. When you have been studding this for a lifetime all the pieces of the puzzle start to fall into place. Here are some breadcrumbs for you to follow. Col. Philip J. Corso’s book “The Day After Roswell”. If you think you haven’t been getting disclosure, think again. This is disclosure at its best. The Grey Falcon site is a good source for Nazi saucers. Use the internet but be careful the internet is full of rubbish. You have to sort out the chaff from the hay. I read as many of the UFO related books that I could get my hands on. Mufon is a good source. Watch the documentarys. Don’t accept everything as truth. If you want truth go with your gut feeling. In this subject your left brain is your enemy much of the time. It is pragmatic and wants you to accept what it thinks as reasonable. Your soul does not lie. I usually watch something and then sleep on it before I make a decision.
Well this is my reality. What’s yours? Go find out if you come to a similar conclusion or not. Remember, you can spit in one hand and believe in the other. All you have at the end of the day is a hand full of spit. If you are going to believe in something believe in yourself and most importantly, your soul. This is just one persons reading of the data. There are as many interpretations in this field as there are people on the planet.
God! I love this planet.

You could be like these guys and Waite for it to come and bite you in the bum.