
What I’d like to talk about today is technology. In my early life there was much less than there is today. We tend to take it for granted. For example. I am sitting out the front of Woolworth’s in Boyne/Tannum writing this on my iPad mini. In earlier times there was no such thing. When I was a kid we didn’t even have TV. All we had was AM radio.

There was a comic strip called Dick Tracy. It depicted  a watch that worked like a videophone. There were super fast ferries that used water jets. This was all science fiction back then. It’s all fact now.

I was in the cadets when I was in high school. Once when we were at a training camp I was amazed that someone could be hiding in plain sight. During the exercise one of the COs stood at a distance. He was in carkey. It was night so we couldn’t see him. Another fired a military flair. We still couldn’t see the one standing at a distance until he was ordered to move. Then we saw him.

In this time there are aircraft that are radar invisible. There are experiments going on to try to make a tank that can change its colour according to it’s surroundings. There is work going on into a film that can be attached to an aircraft in order to make it invisible in the light spectrum. It works by taking video pictures on one side of a plane and displaying it on the opposite side.

Now! There are people around that think all science fiction is nonsense. They couldn’t be more wrong. Over the years we have had many science fiction movies and books depicting what will come to pass in the future. One can pick any science fiction work and there will be inventions there that are in the wings. Somewhere in the world someone will be quietly working on it.

It is likely that in fifty years there won’t be any transport vehicles as we know them today. Can you imagine a city anywhere in the world where there are no cars, buss and trucks. No trains either. About one century ago Nicola Tesla spoke of this. Doors will become a thing of the past. Why. We will simply walk through the walls. Impossible you say. Well they did it in “Doom”.

How to get around in the future? Well in “Jupiter Assenting ” one of the characters just tickles his ear and is transported to any where he wants to be. Where is all this leading? Well it is my considered opinion there people in this world that have such secrets that they know this is already possible. You see most of the larger countries have had in their possession crashed technology from other worlds. They are studding and reverse engineering these craft.

Hitler’s Germany had flying saucers. People were told that they were just paper machete models but you don’t spend billions over 15 years and finish up with a paper machete model. They also built a thing called an Andromeda device which was essentially a mother ship. It was basically a submarine without the tower. All the allied forces were flabbergasted at the technology that Hitler had. So much so that they took as much of it as possible home with them. They even took the scientists who were essentially SS officers.

Looking to the US now but it was the same elsewhere. After Roswell (that is the saucer crash) the powers that be had a big problem. How to bring an essentially backward world that had little technology up to speed with what they had come to know. With technology anything is possible. Even time travel, age regression and many other things that you can not possible imagine. So what were they going to do. Well, for the hole of my life and probably yours too they have kept it secret.

They have been drip feeding us using science fiction movies and books. While we were watching “Star Trek” on the television, they were doing it for real. Using Hitler’s technology. It is my considered opinion that humans from this planet have been trekking about the galaxy since the early 1950’s. That’s about the time they would have got an Andromeda device working. There was one working in Germany just before wars end.

You may not believe all this but you must surely see that technology is advancing exponentially. Much of what is only science fiction today will indeed come to pass in your life time. It it did in mine. One final question. What do you think would have happened if the powers that be just told the truth and gave everybody this secret? Sure it would have been a different world but we would have had a global melt down of biblical proportions if secrets weren’t kept. Now may be the time for every one to know the truth but governments will not give all. It just isn’t logical.