Through the Eyes of a Child.

One hears learned people with letters after their name say the silliest things. It reminds me of when I was a child. In about grade three we started to learn about history, geology and the like. There were pictures in our books to help illustrate the lessons. So one day, after we had learned about how the rain and weather can ware down rocks. I looked at the accompanying picture. It was stated how it takes hundreds of thousands of years to create the ware shown in the picture.

On to the next lesson. This was about the great pyramid of Guise. It was claimed that this was only about four thousand years old. I looked at the picture and said “No way. There’s way too much damage here”.

If a mere child can see this, what’s wrong with all the (PH.D.) types. Why can’t they see it? The answer is surely “The Emperor has no cloths”. You see we have all been taught how to think. Like the adults from the children’s story we, all of us, have been told what we should see. What we should think. Whereas a child without this conditioning sees things as they are.

Now I am going to take some of the comments used in the UFO saga by apparently learned people in order to explain it away and use it in everyday life. Let’s see what we come up with. You see that bus on the corner. Well there is really no such thing as a bus. That is only swamp gas. Never the less I will catch this bus and it will take me to the train station.

Now trains don’t really exist. That just a fog in the tunnel. Never the less I will take that train. It will take me to the airport. Since aeroplanes don’t exist that must be a flock of birds. Never the less I will board a plane. In just hours it will take me half way around the world. I will be in London, England. But we all know that’s not possible, don’t we. It takes at least six months to get there from here.

Well! That appears to be the thinking. Sounds silly doesn’t it? Credible witnesses see real objects that others won’t accept. Can’t accept. Then some (PH.D)  type, who did not bare witness to the event, vents real verbal diarrhoea on the actual witnesses. Yes the Emperor has no clothes. Those ruthless tailors  are at it again.

Then why is it that this is done. This fools nobody. It appears that, if you have letters after your name you can’t be seen to be stumped. Be mindful of what you say. Children are watching. They will see you for what you are.

Yes! The Emperor has no cloths.


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I am a retired train driver who has 49 years service with QRNational. When I first started there were still steam locomotives running. 1965 saw me qualified as a fireman. Yes. I did fire steam locos. Classification as driver came in 1975 and as a tutor driver in 1995. My retirement came in 2012.

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