I came across a post on my Facebook. In it some one was asking how to sync their photos using Windows 8 with an iPhone/iPad. So I had a bit of a play and came up with this.
Assuming you have iTunes installed, plug your charging cord into your device. Plug the other end into the computers USB port. This should bring up iTunes. If it doesn’t then start iTunes manually. Your device should appear on the iTunes screen. Next open your iCloud account. Make sure you have ticked the photo tick box. Next click the options button. On the next screen make sure all your data is correct. Check the options you want and check that the directory is correct. When you satisfied click ok, then click apply. You can then close your iCloud. Stay logged in.
From memory a fresh copy of iTunes comes up with just the play list that is empty unless you allow it to search your computer for content. My iTunes shows a menu strip at the left hand edge. I can’t remember how to get it up and I can’t seem to disable it to work out what I did.
This is my iTunes as it comes up with my iPad. You will notice the second bar has some icons on the far left. Music might be selected. Just past the three dots is an icon of my iPad by clicking it you get the a screen that looks like this.
Click on photos to get the info on the right plane. Make sure you have checked the sync photos box and set the source. All being well the photos should sync. Mine did. Do hope this helps. One more thing, in Summery at the top of the list you can check where you want to back up your device.