Mars Cannonball

Mars Cannon

     In an earlier post I wrote about a scenario that ran in my head after I listened to the broadcast on Coast to Coast AM about two massive nuclear blasts that occurred over Mars in the distant past. What has happened since needs attention. Every time I see a photo of Mars with that big slit (Mountain Range) right across its face, my mind goes back to this scenario I first wrote about. I see the moons of Mars (Phobos and Demos) as having come from the corners of the opening and that’s why they have such a strange orbit.

The two massive energy waves from the atomic blasts, meet at the mountain range. The planet opens up and a cannon ball of mainly molten magma and some surface matter shoots forth into space. The surface of the planet is only thin compared to the size of the planet after all. This cannon ball comes to Earth and passes right through Earth. On the way through, some matter is exchanged between the two bodies. This cannon ball becomes our moon. Well that’s one way to get a moon. No one knows how we got our moon. There are all sorts of theories brandished about.

Hey! Star Wars didn’t happen in a galaxy far far away after all. It happened right in our neighborhood. There are ample anomalies in our solar system to justify a real serious space war consideration and a space faring race that lived right here. There is one planet missing and Mars has been seriously diminished. Well that’s a turn up for the books. I suppose it’s no good repeating that this all happened inside my head. I was trying to visualize what would happen when those bombs went off after all. It is too fantastic for words. The way it keeps reoccurring. The exact same scenario. Maybe there is some truth it it after all. Who knows. Stranger things have happened.

I just wanted to share this little interlude with you all. I found it fascinating. What is also fascination is the structures on the moon and other planets too. Our history is definitely not what we think it is. May be it is all ours from another time and another civilization. Who knows?

Duality of Being – Proof of the Exhistance of the Soul.

Many people have experienced this duality of being. It happens during near death experiences and can happen at other times as well. Most people dismiss it or attribute it to some trick of the mind. For those who know or believe, you can’t be a complete person without a soul.

When I was in my early twenties I had such an experience. Definitely no drugs involved, I can assure you. I was lying in bed preparing to sleep. Suddenly some thing strange happened. I found myself floating above my bed looking at a human form laying on the bed. I realised that that form was me. I looked up and saw a glowing orb of light floating in the air above me. It was beautiful. Gold in colour. I was in two places at once. Looking at my soul floating above me and looking at my body on the bed bellow me. No! It wasn’t a dream either. I was awake the whole time.

I became very scared. I dived back into my body and pulled the covers over me. I didn’t dare come out until morning. This is something that I don’t usually talk about for obvious reasons. Most people who have these experiences won’t talk about them. The thing is that these experiences are part of life. I offer them here for those who may have had a similar experience. This way they will know that it is not abnormal. It happens.

The second experience I had was when I was in a train wreck in 1974. During the derailment I was a passenger on a train that was out of control coming down a mountain range. The train was going way too fast for the curves. The ride was very rough even though we were still on the track at this time. It felt as though I would be shaken from my body at any time. So I had my second experience of being more than just a physical body.

For me, I know I am a complete person having both a body and a soul. If you have such terrifying experiences, you can not just dismiss them. You would be mad if you did. I give thanks to God that I am still here and also for showing me that I do have a soul.

Are There Really Extraterrestrials on Earth?

A Member of the Kingdom of Heaven
A Member of the Kingdom of Heaven

There is ample evidence to suggest that the so called greys have been on Earth for a very long time, Perhaps as long as we have. This makes them natives by now particularly if they were borne here. On You Tube I came across a documentary that showed a scull that was obviously that of a grey. It was found in America. It was said to be a couple of hundred years old. From Genesis we read that God created man in his own image. I can just hear the pro-Darwinian camp going bonkers already. Just one thing, there is oceans of evidence around about these things. They can’t all be a fake. The biggest fake of all is the one where learned people stick religiously to a particular belief apparently just to prop up that belief. So you scream “No evidence” and stick your head back in the sand like an ostrich. So I got your attention. Read on.

From my studies of ufology, the greys are probably under dwellers. That is: – they are like bats, preferring the cold, dark, damp places like caves. If you read some of the reports where humans have gone or been taken into the home of the greys then the above description fits. Again, there is the story about a fight against the greys in which cowboys and Indians joined forces to fight this battle. Apparently no one was left standing. It seems that Hollywood got in on the act with “Cowboys and Aliens”. Those guys don’t miss a trick.

IMG_0321[1]When the white race was spreading into the new world, they were as aliens in this new world. After time their off spring became as native to the new home. It is highly probable that there are people who came from the stars, both extra-terrestrial and alien, that were borne on this planet. These beings will call earth home. They will have relatives here as well. So there you have it. There are these people from the stars, living here, that call earth home.

So I ask. Who are the extra-terrestrials? Who are the aliens?

Haunebu lll Downloaded from Greyfalcon
Haunebu lll
Downloaded from Greyfalcon

It is known that the Third Riche had Haunebu, Vril and Andromeda devices. Isn’t it convenient how UFOs started to appear more frequently just two years after project paper clip, First in America and then spread to the rest of the world? The descriptions also seemed to fit the Haunebu craft. Curious, don’t you think. It is said “Truth is stranger than fiction.” There was a time when seeing strange craft in the sky was relatively rare. In the 20th and 21st century it appears as though there are many more craft and they want to be seen and photographed. Clearly something is different.

enterpriseStar Trek, Is it actually going on now? Are we secretly exploring the universe? The ships are different being cigar shaped and much larger. If it isn’t us then who is it? According to the evidence someone has underground and undersea bases and there is mush coming and going from these places. We keep hearing about all these strange things. Even star gates are reported to exist. Many abductees report that they were taken by some type of strange light which lifted them up into a craft. In the past people who witnessed these strange goings on, thought the beings were gods. How many manuscripts speak of God coming down from the heavens or Heaven? It’s in the Bible. It’s carved in stone in ancient records.

The evidence, Open your eyes. Look around. If a person was charged with a serious crime and there was this much evidence then that person would be found guilty on the shear weight of evidence. It is time to take your head out of the sand people. Something serious is going down and you are missing it if you dismiss the evidence. Broaden your mind. See what’s happening. Yes! We have all this evidence and people say “Oh! That’s not evidence.” I ask “If history written in stone is not evidence then what is?” Would you like me to book you a flight on a flying saucer? I would if I could but I don’t have their number. You are the one who will have to pay. No responsibility taken for what may or may not happen to you.

Programme Name: Wizards Vs Aliens - TX: n/a - Episode: n/a (No. 1) - Embargoed for publication until: 28/09/2012 - Picture Shows: EMBARGOED UNTIL 28/09/2012 17:15hrs Varg (JEFFERSON HALL), Lexi (GWENDOLINE CHRISTIE) - (C) BBC - Photographer: Steve Brown
Programme Name: Wizards Vs Aliens – TX: n/a – Episode: n/a (No. 1) – Embargoed for publication until: 28/09/2012 – Picture Shows: EMBARGOED UNTIL 28/09/2012 17:15hrs Varg (JEFFERSON HALL), Lexi (GWENDOLINE CHRISTIE) – (C) BBC – Photographer: Steve Brown

According to the evidence these beings don’t treat the natives (us) very well. Abductions and experimentation is just the tip of the ice berg. People are vanishing without trace all over the world. One can’t blame aliens or extra-terrestrials for all the disappearances but if reports are correct then a lot of them are. Animal mutilations are another speciality. One is forced to ask “Are these beings really civilised?” Perhaps civility is a fantasy after all. Perhaps we are already considered their property. In which case, we can do nothing about our predicament. It is just a case of the bully taking over again. Do you ever get the feeling you are in a chicken coop?

The one thing we can do is not let it get the better of us. Every creature is forced by nature to live within the limits to its environmental constraints. This includes ET. What we can do is LIVE. Go about your live as you would if you had not read this. Carve out a nitch for yourself and live life to the fullest while you have it. There is no use in doing anything else. World governments can do nothing. With the weapons we have you can’t even get a bead on the blighters, much less shoot them down. Your world just got a bit bigger. It’s about to get even bigger. Back to Darwinism, You didn’t think I would forget you. Did You?

There is plausible evidence in our historical and biblical records that suggests that humans may be hybrids. We were genetically engineered by some space faring race that visited earth in the past. Conjecture! This May be. Consider this; Darwinism is nothing more than a theory. Theories are created so that we might better understand something. As we learn more the floors in the theory start to show the inaccuracies. Then it is time to change the theory to encompass the new data. Geneticists are finding out that there appears to be no missing link at least not genetically anyway. So where does that leave us. Well more and more people, including noted scientists, are warming to the idea that man may have been created as stated in the bible.

IMG_0323[1]One of the things that make it hard to get your head around this stuff is our tendency to dwell inside our heads. This is a defence mechanism. It stops you from going mad. We all create an image of what we think the world is and live in that world. Anything that threatens our view of this inner world makes us uneasy to the point of denial. This is why people were burned at the steak for thinking differently. It is important to know that none of the preceding argument makes any difference to the actual world. That which is exists; weather you believe it or not. You’re inner world only changes your perception of it.

OstrichThe world (our world) is moving so fast that only the young can keep up. There will come a time soon when you won’t have the privilege of sticking your head in the sand and hopping it will pass you by. What these people from out of town have in terms of technology will literally blow your mind. Perhaps this is why governments have been reluctant to share this information. You may think you can handle it. That is highly unlikely. Think of being able to make and unmake things at will. Not in the conventional way but simply out of the either by using nothing but your mind. If you extend your mind beyond its boundaries, then Si Fi doesn’t even cut it. People will go mad just because they can’t digest all the information.

Still the balloon will pop. We can’t keep extending our knowledge expedencially like this without it happening. It will take a special mind to take us to the next level, one that can handle rapid change. Our hard wiring will hold us back. The brain must be able to reconfigure itself if we are to survive into the future. It is likely that this process is already under way. In my father’s time one could learn a trade and that was that. You were set for life. In my job as a train driver I was always going to school to learn about new equipment , new ways of doing things and refresher courses. My career spanned some 49 years. One even has to unlearn things because of the changes. Things are no longer done in a particular way because there are better ways.

These are exciting times we live in, aren’t they. Are you up to the challenges that lie ahead. If not you may find yourself left by the wayside. If you are just starting out on life’s journey, you will find yourself having to spending more time learning new things to help you get by. You know things we have now were only written about in comic books and Si Fi when I was young. Gladstone Harbour has high-speed comfortable water jet ferries going to and fro. The Dick Tracy watches are now a reality. Even the electronic clipboard of Lt. Uhura is here in the shape of the Ipad. What do you think the next 50 years is going to bring?

Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy Theories


The beauty of the human mind is its ability to create stories of fiction. The sad thing though is when those stories hurt others. One can read many conspiracy theories on the internet. Also many videos on YouTube relate to this subject. Usually the truth costs lots of money and man power whereas conspiracy theories are usually hatched over a pint at the local and cost nothing.

It often matters what side of the fence you are on as well. For instance those who believe the Germans spent billions over 15 years developing the Haunebu device and ended up with a paper Masha model will see people with the opposite view as being the conspirators. Whereas the opposite view, will be true for the other group. So, who are the real conspirators?

We must examine the evidence carefully. What may seem rational at first may turn out to be fiction upon closer examination. I found a conspiracy on YouTube. In it they said that NASA did not visit the moon. They said that the whole thing was a hoax. One must consider that there was a cold war on at the time. There were countries around that would take great pleasure in discrediting the US.

I have a photographic memory. The moment I started watching the conspirator’s video I knew it was a lie. Those of us that are old enough to remember watching the mission footage on the lounge room TV know that prior to each and very mission a large three stage Saturn rocket blasted off from the Cape. Thousands saw it actual. It could be seen for miles around. You could not miss it. The footage from the moon could not easily have been altered as is done today. In real time that is. The pictures shown by the conspirators were definitely not the ones we saw on our TV sets.

For one thing the curvature of the moon is not the same as that of the earth. One could see that we were watching live from the moon. One of the things pointed out by the conspirators was how the flag waved. It was sited that, if there was no atmosphere the flag would not be waving. The thing is when there is no atmosphere to resist the flag then standing waves could develop. If there was atmosphere then the flag would look different as wind does not blow with standing waves. It is gusty. The standing wave was created when the Astra naught  let go of the flag after planting it. It might have been the hammering too.

There was also one experiment the Astra naughts did that could never be repeated on earth. It was the Newtonian experiment where a feather and a hammer were dropped together. Both objects hit the ground together. Proving beyond doubt that it was really an, other worldly experiment.

Another conspiracy I would like to make comment one is 9/11. Claims were made that it was an inside job by the FBI or CIA. If that were true we would all be in trouble. These agencies are there to protect the security of the US. I find the accusation monstrous. The moment those planes hit the two towers the towers were doomed to collapse. The one that collapsed first had a grate gaping hole in it. It looked like you could drive a 747 straight through. A-h-h-h! That’s right somebody did.

The structure was very unstable from the impact. The fire heated up the steel making it even weaker. At 750 degrees steel looses 40 percent of its strength. A lot of us use this feature to shape and bend steel to make things. The explosions heard were the steel beams failing. Once the one tower collapsed it took the other one out and that took out building seven. Just like a stack of dominos. The way the structure ended up with vertical beams spread out is consistent with being struck from above. Demolition teams do not do this. When they are finished the site is level and ready for the trucks and excavators. The whole world was in shock. This was an attack on the world not just America. Many people from all over the world worked in those buildings.

As with all conspiracies there are people about who can gain from perpetuating the conspiracy. We must be mindful of their motive. I can remember exactly what I was doing when man first set foot on the moon. Also, I remember exactly what I was doing when 9/11 occurred. You see there are those for us who can remember important events. The Astra noughts will have their memories of their trip to the moon. Definitely a lot of memories were created during 9/11 as well.

I am sure of one thing. You will make up your own mind what you believe. One thing is certain. When we finally go to the moon again and find all that junk still up there you will know the truth even if you don’t believe it.


Mental Telepathy My Experince

It has been known for a long time that cats possess the ability to communicate telepathically. It is not just cat to cat either. Let me share this experience with you.

When my daughter was very young she was given a female kitten, a tabby cat. This cat took a shine to me. We kept it locked in the garage at night. Being a train driver, I worked night shift. One night about a week after we got the kitten, I had to start work at midnight. At that time work place health and safety was just taking off. So, dressed for work in my new high visibility gear, I opened the garage to get in the car and head to work. The poor little kitten was frightened out of its wits by my appearance. It took off straight through the open gate and across the road never to be seen again.

I chased after it but then realized it was me it was scared of. So I gave up and headed off to work. I still was worried about it. About a week went by. Then I received a telepathic message from it. “I’m ok. Don’t worry about me.” I knew it was the kitten. I also knew the message was meant for me. That’s the way telepathy works. It is Private, Mind to mind. Like most sceptics I dismissed it even though the experience was very real. No doubt about it. It was the kitten. The message was for me. Another week of worry went by. The same thing happened. This time I did take notice. I stopped worrying about the kitten. No more telepathic messages. I can’t prove it to anyone. You will have to accept it on faith. Or reject it out of hand. One thing is sure. If you ever have a similar experience you will be converted as I was.