My only sighting.

Andromeda Machine. Downloaded from Greyfalcon.
Andromeda Machine.
Downloaded from Greyfalcon.

At 10:10 am on 24/07/1964. I was the fireman on a 1600 class locomotive. We were shunting the fuel siding at Barcaldine. I had

just made morning tea for myself and the driver. It was a lovely brisk winter’s morning. Something caught my intention out of the corner of my eye. I looked up towards the east. In the sky going like a bat out of hell there was an Andromeda machine. The whole sighting lasted about 3 seconds. It was bigger than the Queen Mary and very high, perhaps in low earth orbit. The weather was clear with scattered cloud. Colour was white. No visible windows. No emissions. It had a Sharp clear form. The direction of travel was east to west.

Much the same as all the other eye witness reports I have read. I have not reported it before. The reason it was brought up here was because it was what got me interested in the first place. I remember that my first impression was “Oh! The yanks invented that and they were not telling us.”. I found out later I was wrong. The Nazis did. I still concede that the yanks were probably driving it. Then again may be not. They still maintain they know nothing about it. One thing is for sure. Someone was driving it.


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I am a retired train driver who has 49 years service with QRNational. When I first started there were still steam locomotives running. 1965 saw me qualified as a fireman. Yes. I did fire steam locos. Classification as driver came in 1975 and as a tutor driver in 1995. My retirement came in 2012.

One thought on “My only sighting.”

  1. As it turns out this is not my only sighting. Reciently I have remembered something that happened as child growing up. You can read it in another post here. “What Happened When I Realised Flying Saucers Are Real”.

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