Many people have experienced this duality of being. It happens during near death experiences and can happen at other times as well. Most people dismiss it or attribute it to some trick of the mind. For those who know or believe, you can’t be a complete person without a soul.
When I was in my early twenties I had such an experience. Definitely no drugs involved, I can assure you. I was lying in bed preparing to sleep. Suddenly some thing strange happened. I found myself floating above my bed looking at a human form laying on the bed. I realised that that form was me. I looked up and saw a glowing orb of light floating in the air above me. It was beautiful. Gold in colour. I was in two places at once. Looking at my soul floating above me and looking at my body on the bed bellow me. No! It wasn’t a dream either. I was awake the whole time.
I became very scared. I dived back into my body and pulled the covers over me. I didn’t dare come out until morning. This is something that I don’t usually talk about for obvious reasons. Most people who have these experiences won’t talk about them. The thing is that these experiences are part of life. I offer them here for those who may have had a similar experience. This way they will know that it is not abnormal. It happens.
The second experience I had was when I was in a train wreck in 1974. During the derailment I was a passenger on a train that was out of control coming down a mountain range. The train was going way too fast for the curves. The ride was very rough even though we were still on the track at this time. It felt as though I would be shaken from my body at any time. So I had my second experience of being more than just a physical body.
For me, I know I am a complete person having both a body and a soul. If you have such terrifying experiences, you can not just dismiss them. You would be mad if you did. I give thanks to God that I am still here and also for showing me that I do have a soul.