Just how did polytheism come about? When I was a boy, I came across an article in National Geographic Magazine. In this article they showed skeletal remains of humans that ranged from a mere two feet tall to a whopping 30 feet tall. In the article it was explained that these were all adult remains. The Holy Scriptures and other old sources of history tell us that in the old days there were giants. Even our legends tell us such stories as well as stories of the wee folk. So the evidence is there. Whether you want to accept it or not is up to you.
The current thinking is that the temples of old were built tall with huge doors and tall sealing because the builders were looking up to God and they wanted a monument to his glory. Ah! That should be gods. That’s right they were polytheistic. This Theory stems from the thinking of a monotheistic thought process. To get at the truth we need to get into a polytheistic mind set.
Some of these temples had huge metre thick floor tiles. Such tiles would be a waste of money for people of our statue. We only require three inch thick tiles. Four inches ones for heavy traffic areas. You can drive a car on four inch tiles, especially stone ones. So why did the builders use such huge tiles. Well it may have been for practical reasons.
If you ask a Greek of old about the gods, you will surely be told. “I know the gods”. You may even be showed likeness of each one. So how did this come about? Looking at the likeness of these gods one can easily imagine them at the head of an army leading the troupes into battle. All living things pass on. It is reasonable to expect that a people lead by a successful champion will want to honour that champion. So why not elevate that person to the status of a god. After this happened enough times you start to get a line of many gods. The act of elevating prominent persons to god status is common in early times. It is even documented.
Giants were often used to head armies in ancient times. Goliath was a giant as depicted in the Old Testament, the story of David and Goliath. The Athenians saw their gods as giant humans who lived on Mount Olympus. In Gneisses man is created in God’s image. Therefore it is reasonable to expect that the Athenians would take this literally. Monotheism sees God as some invisible, fuzzy thing in the sky. To the people of ancient times this would be seen as absurd. It would even be sacrilege to them. So now you see why it is important to get in the correct mind set when trying to fathom how an ancient people would think.
Given that these people saw their gods as Giant people, not unlike themselves, then it would necessarily follow that their temples would have been built to allow a god access to that temple, hence the need for a suitable structure. Eleven tons of giant would definitely need a heavier floor, larger doors and high sealing. Steps that have 5 normal sized steps, a 5 foot terrace, five more steps and so on are really suitable for giants and humans alike as long as the terraces can handle the weight. Multiuser stairs if you will.
The Parthenon in Greece is said to have housed a giant statue of Zeus. To stand in front of it is said to have been awe inspiring. It was that large and that grand.
The foregoing will show that it is possible to make any theory seem reasonable if you put your mind to it. In the past, as well as today scholars use theories to explain things. We humans are like that. Everything must be in nice neat boxes for us. No mysteries about the way things are. Well it’s not that simple. We do get things wrong. Scholars thought the world was flat once. Eventually Christopher Columbus proved them wrong. You see theories are devised by man to explain things until something else comes along. Then our knowledge changes to accept the new idea.
I wonder… Suppose if someone was to do one of those facial reconstructions they do to identify the remains of some poor soul. Only do it to one of these giant skulls. Just what would happen if it turned out to be someone we know? Say Zeus, Athena or perhaps one of the others whose’ likeness we have. That would really put the cat among the pigeons. Still it would be fun.
See I can dream too. If someone did do a facial reconstruction, someone else would surely shout “Freud”. There has been much controversy over these skeletons as well as other artefacts. My purpose was not to start up a debate about the foregoing. I am not putting forward a theory. Just showing how it is done. New theories can often be controversial. I wanted to use this element in the story.
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