Newtonian Physics In the Universe

Many people see a UFO do seemingly impossible manoeuvres. They think that Newtonian physics dictates that this couldn’t be. The problem is that they don’t understand just what is going on. To take a trip on such a machine is very different from what we are used to. It is like taking a trip and not going anywhere. However, when you leave the machine you are in a different place. There is no sense of movement unless you look out the window.

Let me try to explain that in terms of Newtonian physics as it applies in the universe. We all learnt all this stuff in school. Basically as I see it, when a moving object stops suddenly we expect to see a spectacular crash. Something like when you drop a glass on the kitchen floor. It brakes. It appears that the laws of physics are violated when UFOs do sudden manoeuvres. Clearly something else is going on. The laws of the universe can never be broken or the universe will simply cease to exist. That is why some people get in all sorts of trouble trying to explain this stuff. Often the ideas they come up with are more unbelievable than the UFO itself.

So what is happening? Well the only explanation that seems to fit is that the UFO or flying saucer has its own warp envelope. This brings in Einstein’s theory of relativity. We all know the train story with the lightning strike and the two observers. Well in this case our mass has a focal point in the centre of the earth. That place to which all things on earth fall towards. In the case of the UFO its mass focal point is in the centre of its warp envelope generator. So when it moves its mass thinks it is standing still. The envelope moves and the ship moves with it. Since mass is the reluctance of the body to have its state of motion changed and its gravitational focal point moves with the mass. Then there is no apparent mass. Hence no physical laws are broken. If I were to drop a glass of water on the space ship floor rest assured the glass would still shatter.

This stuff is a bit much to get your head around. That is why Einstein himself thought he was wrong when he first mooted the theory of relativity. I hope I have been able to shed some light on the subject



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I am a retired train driver who has 49 years service with QRNational. When I first started there were still steam locomotives running. 1965 saw me qualified as a fireman. Yes. I did fire steam locos. Classification as driver came in 1975 and as a tutor driver in 1995. My retirement came in 2012.

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